When you think about your favorite professional golfer, you may often wonder what their secret is. How do they always manage to show up and play their best game?
While there are many different factors that go into being successful on the course, one of the most important factors is your posture. Not only is this important for the game, but also for your everyday physical health as well. Here are four reasons why you should always focus on your posture:
Your Posture affects your swing
Bad posture will reduce the motion in your hips, ultimately affecting your swing. By having good posture, you will swing more effectively and efficiently. On the course, make sure that your feet are neutral, your shoulders, back, chest, and chin are up, and your weight is centered.
You will reduce your lower back pain
Having a bad posture puts a strain on your back, specifically your lower back. If you are experiencing back pain, you will have a harder time giving it your all on the course. And, for some, you will be in too much pain to even get out there.
You will feel less tension in your shoulders and neck
If you have bad posture, you will experience tighter hamstrings which will reduce how well you are able to rotate your neck. Without being able to flexibly rotate your neck, you will have a hard time controlling your club, ultimately decreasing your speed.
Incorrect posture can lead to injuries
If you are sitting or standing in a misarranged position, you run the risk of pulling or straining muscles over time, which can lead to serious injuries. Gradually, the pain can go from mild to chronic.
Try to actively think about your posture every day, whether you are on the golf course or not, and your body will thank you! We have an amazing team of golf professionals who can help you specifically work on your alignment and posture. Book a lesson today!